Brick and Block Masonry Apprenticeship
Masonry Association of Florida, Inc. (MAF)


South Campus

2900 W. Oak Ridge Road,
Bldg. 1600, Room 137
Orlando, FL


The Masonry Association of Florida, Inc. (MAF) is a corporation dedicated to the promotion of better masonry workmanship and materials in the State of Florida. The MAF is further dedicated to the education of its members and its members’ employees through monthly educational meetings, periodic workshops and sponsoring a state certified apprenticeship program. The MAF encourages professionalism in its members’ dealings with the design professional, other contractors, and the general public. Its members and staff actively participate in local, state, and national activities that affect this goal. The program focuses on broad, transferable skills, and stresses the understanding of all aspects of the masonry industry.

This registered apprenticeship program is a sequence of three years (6,000 hours) of training and requires the apprentice to be employed by a participating employer/sponsor and enrolled in a formal program registered and approved by the US Department of Labor and the Florida Department of Education. Apprentices, in addition to employment, are required to participate in structured part-time training-related coursework specifically aligned with the apprenticeship standards approved by the above state and federal agencies. For detailed information on this registered apprenticeship program, please contact 407.251.6050.


Upon successful completion of this program, students enrolling in an A.S. degree program are eligible to be awarded articulated credits at:

Valencia College:

  • Supervision & Management for Industry A.S. degree – Up to 27 credits

  • This independent apprenticeship program is not accredited through the Council on Occupational Education

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