The Title I, Part C - Migrant Education Program (MEP)
The Title I, Part C-Migrant Education Program (MEP) funds additional educational programs for migrant children (ages 3-21). Migrant students have the same risk factors as other students. These students also face further challenges because of their frequent moves. The migrant child is one who is or whose parent, spouse or guardian is a migratory agricultural worker, migratory dairy worker, or migratory fisher. A migratory worker is one who moves to obtain/seek temporary seasonal employment within the last 36 months by himself, accompanying a parent, spouse, or guardian, and has moved from one school district to another and/or has moved from one state to another.
The Migrant Education Program provides the following services to students:
• Instructional support, including in home lessons for children ages 0-4.
• Advocates support as a liaison between schools and families.
• Identification and recruitment of families.
• Provide information on local resources and supports
• Senior scholarship program
• Certificated teachers assist credit deficient students enrolled in the P.A.S.S. Program (Portable Assisted Study Sequence).
• Regular communication in the parent's primary language designed to promote an understanding of and participation in their child's education through District Migrant Parent Advisory Council Meetings and activities.
For more information about the Migrant Education Program or to connect with a MEP recruiter, please contact the main number at 407-317-3485.
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