Banner for COVID-19

Program Updates

Program information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found here.

September 14

OCPS COVID-19 Dashboard goes Live

Orange County Public Schools now has a COVID-19 data dashboard from across the district's divisions and 202 schools. The dashboard provides a comprehensive breakdown of the total number of confirmed cases that have occured on campus since the start of face-to-face learning Aug. 21.

Dashboard automatically updates at 11:59 p.m. each night.

For further OCPS/OTC updates, resources, and information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) refer to the OTC COVID-19 Resource Center or OCPS Health Advisory Updates.

September 9

Face Covering Update

Please be advised that masks with exhalation valves and neck gaiters (also known as neck buffs) are no longer permissible to wear on any OCPS campus. Students and OCPS employees are prohibited from wearing these two masks.

For further OCPS/OTC updates, resources, and information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) refer to the OTC COVID-19 Resource Center or OCPS Health Advisory Updates.

For updates, follow OTC on Facebook and Twitter, or check We have created an online COVID-19 Resource Center which can be found at

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

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