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Fees, Scoring and Details

Testing Fees

A non-refundable test fee must be paid by credit card or voucher at the time of registration on

  • GED® Exam (complete test) $128
  • Individual subtests $32


Successful completion is determined by passing the Official GED® Examination. Passing all content areas with a minimum score of 150 and a total score of 600 is required to earn a GED®. Students whose scores meet the State of Florida requirements will receive a State of Florida High School Diploma.

The enhanced score report from GED Testing Service provides targeted feedback for each test-taker so they know their strengths, what skills to develop, and how to score higher on their re-test.

Enhanced Score Report Benefits:

  • Tells test-takers their score and what skills they did well on
  • Identifies the specific skills the test-taker missed on the test
  • Provides test-takers with targeted study recommendations synced to the specific skills missed and the full set of skills needed to improve a score
  • Test-takers can browse and choose from more than a dozen study materials to customize their study recommendations
  • One-click access to synced study materials available in print and online
  • Report developed with GED® test-takers to meet their needs for information, specific feedback, and clear language
  • Full report available within 3 hours of testing on all content areas
  • Included as part of the 2014 GED® test and GED Ready™: The Official Practice Test

Every test-taker that passes the GED® test will automatically receive an electronic, secure, diploma and Smart Transcript from the GED Testing Service. This is delivered immediately to their email address after their test is scored. Test takers can view, print, and request a professionally-printed diploma free of charge. They can also send the transcript to an employer or college of their choice. The initial diploma and transcript are FREE to test-takers who pass the GED® test. Repeat Requests are charged a small convenience fee for delivering an official copy of the transcript.

Special Accommodations

Individuals with physical handicaps or with specific learning disabilities may be provided special test accommodations. Please visit GED Testing Services at the following link for more information.

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