The offical Orange Technical College colors/color palette.
Primary Tones
Official Orange Technical College primary tone colors palette, these are the tones that represent our brand, and which is continuously being used throughout in our designs.
OTC Blue
HEX: #041E42
RGB: 4-30-66
CMYK: 100-88-42-51
Pantone® 282 C
OTC Orange
HEX: #F79342
RGB: 247-147-66
CMYK: 0-58-81-0
Pantone® 2012 U
OTC Light Blue
HEX: #69B5d0
RGB: 105-181-208
CMYK: 57-12-13-0
Pantone® 7458 C
OTC Gray
HEX: #717273
RGB: 113-114-115
CMYK: 57-48-47-13
Pantone® 424 C
RGB: 255-255-255
CMYK: 0-0-0-0
Secondary Tones
These tones should be used sparingly as accents/highlights on a page, and you SHOULD NOT be used a primary tone in our design.
OTC Black
HEX: #231F20
RGB: 35-31-32
CMYK: 0-0-0-100
OTC Green
HEX: #47B649
RGB: 71-182-73
CMYK: 72-0-100-0
Pantone® 361 C
Cool Gray
HEX: #B1B3B3
RGB: 177-179-179
CMYK: 31-24-25-0
Pantone® 421 C
OTC Gold
HEX: #84754E
RGB: 132-117-78
CMYK: 45-44-75-17
Pantone® 871 C
Color Hierarchy
This color block represents the visual representation of how dominant colors should be utilized:
Below are visual representations of ways OTC colors can used in text and on display:
![Visual Example of OTC Color Use Visual representation of ways OTC colors can used in text and on display](